In 1995, Gary and Danny Mangat of CHAMPION TOWING made their venture into the towing industry, first attaining hands-on experience, and eventually launching a company of their own in 2009. CHAMPION TOWING is a family-run operation that began with just one Heavy Duty Wrecker and increased to over 8 Heavy Duty Wreckers, 2 Flat Decks, 1 Medium Duty, 1 Light Duty, 1 Skidsteer, a Heavy Duty Tilt Trailer, an Air Bag Cushion recovery unit and Emergency Spill Unit. We also have one of the first state of the art RXP Rotators in Canada, which has 5 heavy-duty winches. This one of a kind unit does not only lift 360 degrees around the vehicle, but also allows us to winch from the side of this heavy duty Rotator wrecker. CHAMPION TOWING have attained a solid reputation in the Winnipeg and throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Northwestern Ontario areas for their consistent professionalism in the execution of their work. Over the course of the last twenty years, they have mastered the ability to execute everything from the simplest job to the most challenging recovery in this field.